Dog Music
Have you ever wondered whether us dogs pay attention to the human made noises you call Music? I bet you have. At times we join in by singing (Dad calls it howling.) and then you notice that we are paying attention. Sometimes we wag our tails or jump up and down when you play a good rip-roaring country western piece of music (like Boot Scootin' Boogie, or as I like to call it, Butt Scootin' boogie (Yeah, heel, toe, docie doe come on baby let's go Butt scootin'). If you've ever seen me wag my tail, you'll know I have the rhythm for music. (Dad says my tail should be registered as a lethal weapon! But I'd prefer to think of it as a big drum stick.)
We have good hearing, but do have a different range of hearing than humans. Mostly higher frequencies that you can't hear. That means we like some of your music, but not all. Mostly however, when you play music, we hunker down and either cover our ears or find a place far from the sounds. Dog and human tastes are far apart. Come on, how could any animal like the loud noises that come from some of your sound making boxes?
I personally like at least two kinds of music to go with my different moods. When I'm trying to relax or sleep I don't mind a soft classical piece of music, something by Brahms for instance. I know. I must sound smart, but Dad told me it was Brahms. (Whatever that is.) I can sleep with the soft sounds of a violin or a soft piano playing.
But when I'm awake and want to play, bring on the doggie songs. One of my favorites is "How much is that doggie in the window". I think I like it because Dad plays it occasionally. He said it was one of his favorites when he was young. I also like the words and the fact that the little girl fell in love the dog in the window. A sad one, but still a favorite is, "Where has my little dog gone?". It's sad to know it has left its owner. Of course, I can really wag my tail to "Hound Dog" by Elvis Pressing, or whatever his name is. Have you heard the song "I found my best friend in the dog pound". Or the tear jerker, "Dad gave my dog away"?
Some songs just make you happy you're a dog, like "Scratch my back" (Songs to Make Dogs Happy by Lauren Canyon Animal Company), or "I'm an Adventure Dog" (Songs to Make Dogs Happy), or "You're a Good Dog" (same group). Makes me want to jump and sing (er.. howl). If you haven't heard the hit, "Squeaky-Deakey" go to Amazon and download it. It makes sounds like my squeaky toy which I love.
Dad puts the songs I like on my iPod and I can listen for hours. He has a wireless version that fits on my head and I don't have to worry about the cords getting in my way.
Mom and Dad like songs that make us all happy, like "On the Road Again". They like to play that when they start driving the motorhome.
Us dogs dance to music too! When Mom and Dad dance, I push my nose in-between their legs and follow them around. Sometimes Dad will let me jump up and put my paws on his shoulders and dance with him. (Not too often.)
I found a book at Amazon that teaches you and your dog to dance together (Dancing with Dogs, A step by step guide to Freestyle) , or Clicker Dances with Dogs). I guess in the fancy dog shows, dogs dance Freestyle with their owners for treats. (See I told you we have musical ability. Look on and type 'freestyle dog dancing' for a lot of videos. I haven't quite mastered that yet.)
Dad's teaching me to play guitar. My claws are great picks! Although I'm having a small problem with paw chord positions.
Well, music brings a little fun and joy into my life and into most dogs lives. So don't take us for granted when you think about what to play. We generally don't like "heavy metal" or real loud music (it scares us), but choose something soft or jumpy (I like boogie woogies).
Dad has a little internet store that has a bunch of musical CDs just for dogs and dog lovers that you can buy at Visit it and see if something interests you.
Arf, arf,...arf,.... Arf... (just a little tune for you)
Check out Dad's store:
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